My Ongoing Research Projects

Project DELTAP - An integrative approach for smart small-scale piped water supply in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta" - International Project supported by NWO Wotro,The Netherlands under "Urbanizing Deltas of The World - 2" program.(Pertners -TU Delft,The Netherlands,Dhaka University,Bangla Desh and A N College,Patna,India
Project Nutri -SAM Supported by DS-UKIERI (Joint initiative of Government of India and UK).
The project Nutri-SAM has the clear goal:
1. To determine the association between dietary patterns, lifestyle and social factors and arsenic induced health outcomes in Bihar;
2. To identify the studied factors that can act as a host defense when compared to similar arsenic exposed population in West Bengal in India.

PROJECT FAR-GANGA suported by DST-NERC (Joint Intiative of Government of India and UK).
Major Objectives:
ØTo find out different arsenic mitigation structures/interventions installed in different districts of Bihar focusing on its functionality and technology involved.
ØTo systematically explore the local community participation and acceptability of proposed remediation/mitigation options.
ØTo report / communicate with key stakeholders to inform them of future hazards and risks and how groundwater management practices and strategic selection of water remediation technologies and approaches might accordingly be modified to societal benefit.